Monday, 1 December 2008

Entering a brave new world.

Online Journalism Week Nine

A lot of credit has to go out to Rick Waghorn.

As a Norwich football writer for the Norwich Evening News he had a specific audience, who knew who he was and relied on him for their intake of Norwich City FC. Something that would have taken him a long time to build. Football fans are a stubborn lot, they do not like change.

His venture into, that he took up upon leaving the Norwich Evening News, was a bold one. The project has not taken over the world and as he explained in his lecture due to the current financial climate he has had to pull back a bit. As an idea, however, the potential is there for it to spread. It is a unique idea, and with a wider spread of teams covered it could have a bright future.

As we are always being told traditional media is dying. Rick's case is a example where a traditional journalist has attempted to adapt to the new world of the media.

Clearly this is what some of us will have to do - be bold.